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Location: Connecticut, United States

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Sunday, January 29, 2006

A Quiet Weekend in a Big City


I've had a pretty quiet weekend here at school. Friday night my friends and I went to see Munich. It's very well done (good acting, everything is done in period) although it is graphic and, given the circumstances, a bit disturbing.

I spent most of Saturday morning working on a paper for my history class. It was just a reaction paper but our professor wanted 4-5 pages which is kind of a pain, especially since it's still so early in the semester. Later on, we walked around downtown because the weather was great and my friend had to film some landmarks for one of her media classes. That evening, we watched a few movies (Good Morning Vietnam and, to lighten the mood, When Harry Met Sally) and then headed to bed fairly early.

This morning I finished my paper which felt good. It's not exactly quality writing but it should suffice. I also made spaghetti sauce from scratch for the first time. My mother does this all the time at home and it is absolutely delicious. Mine turned out okay although it wasn't quite the same (I forgot that Mom puts onion powder, parsley, and sausage in hers so mine only had hamburger, tomato paste, crushed tomatoes, garlic powder, oregano, and grated cheese. Oops, I've gone and given away the recipe!). But still, given that it was my first attempt, it came out really well. I will have to keep perfecting my technique though.

Tonight, my roommate and I are going to Mass. We usually go in the morning but we weren't up quite early enough and besides it was raining. So we are going in a little while which should be a nice change of pace. Also, our friend is singing with the choir so we want to see her.

I need to get going, so Hasta Luego!


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