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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, January 26, 2006

Back from My Blog Hiatus...again


I know it has been FORVER since I've written anything but the end of the semester and the holidays are absolutely crazy so it's very hard to do anything besides write papers, study, or go Christmas shopping.

But anyway, I had a very, very good Christmas break:-D It was awesome to be home and actually spend quality time with my family and friends. Our Christmas celebrations consisted of having my Dad's family over for Christmas Eve dinner, going to Midnight Mass (my sister was singing in the part of the service, hands down:-D), and spending Christmas Day lounging around the house with our presents. I got a new watch (well, there's a little bit of a complicated story behind that, but it all ended in me getting a cute new watch so it's all good), a new coat, my sister knitted me a matching hat and scarf, and I got some much needed clothes.

In contrast, New Year's was very quiet. We literally stayed home and watched movies. Not to mention the fact that we were in bed before 11pm (very lame I know). But to our credit we did break out the champange and raspberry truffles.

Oh, and here's a piece of (sort-of...I'll explain why I say sort-of in a minute) exciting news. I went on a date over break! A boy my age who actually works at the car dealership where my Dad works took me to the movies. We saw King Kong which is kind of long but not a bad movie by any means. I was flattered to be asked out and I think we had a fairly good time although when you don't know each other too well it is a little bit awkward. Okay, now onto why I said sort-of earlier. He said he would "be in touch" and I haven't heard from him since. Now I understand that one date does not mean much (if anything) and that the holidays are a very hectic time. But that said, we did exchange phone numbers, so what now? Should I have called him? Should I call in the future, say the next time I'm home? I'm not really sure what I want/prefer (I'm a girl, I'm indecisive, moody, etc. ...what can I say?) to happen here but I'm open to possibilities. And I'm also not sure if the window of opportunity has closed or not. Plus, I'm getting the feeling as I type this all out that perhaps I'm overanalyzing the whole situation. So I'm going to stop being an annoying girl and I'm going to change the topic.

I've been back at school for awhile now and things have been crazy already. I had my senior comprehensive exam on Monday. That's a four hour test that my school makes us take in order to graduate. It was really stressful trying to studying for it and sitting for four hours over the desk actually made my neck ache. But I think it went reasonably well, meaning that I think I passed (it is only pass/fail). We should have the results in about a month. In the meantime, the test is OVER!!!:-D

Yesterday was my birthday:-D I had a very good day even though I had three classes. Everyone kept leaving me happy messages or calling me. And I got a bunch of card which are now all over my desk. My parents sent me a birthday package and a couple of my friends here gave em gifts too. My friends and I went out to dinner last night to celebrate. We went to Bertucci's and it was delicious and a lot of fun. All in all it was a very, very nice birthday:-D

I think that is all of my major news and life events from the last month and a half. Hasta Luego!

P.S. One more thing, my friends and I purchased airline tickets on's official, Spring Break in Disney World!!!:-D


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