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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Too Busy to Write!


Wow, it has been two weeks since I've written! I'm really sorry about that but I have not had much time to sit and reflect. My classes, homework, and various extracurricular activities have completely filled my time. Even now, there are a million other things I could be doing besides writing. But seriously, I need to clear my head a little bit instead of just pushing ahead with the work.

My classes are all going well still, which is nice. American history is a little bit boring, but at least it is not difficult or too demanding. We are talking about different people's perspectives on the Revolutionary War and the writing of the Constitution that followed. We (or at least I do) have a tendency to think that of course the Founding Fathers were right and completely justified. In reality, however, hindsight is twenty-twenty and what they did was truly radical and not everyone believed that they were doing the right thing.

Medevial Theology is going well too. We just started reading parts of St. Thomas Aquinas' Summa Theologiae. It is definitely not an easy read but at least his points are organized and fairly concise. Plus, the questions that my professor gives us really help mr focus on what is important. Also, I managed to find some pertinent books for my paper which is awesome. I'll probably start that next weekend (I have other papers to write this weekend).

Chaucer is moving along as well. We just wrapped up our discussion of "The Clerk's Tale" and will move onto "The Merchant's Tale" tomorrow. I am going to need to start the paper in the near future too (like next weekend probably). And for once the library was helpful with my research...go figure!

My senior seminar is going okay. She finally handed back the outline/notes of the presentation on which she gave me a B+. I'm not overly pleased with that grade because I'm a perfectionist but it definitely is not bad or anything. I also started the massive paper for this class over the weekend. I am currently about 6 and 1/2 pages of an (at least) 8 page draft (which, by the way, is half of the paper that is 15-20 pages). So that is much is good, although I'm not thrilled with the quality of the paper, but then I never really love any of my papers (until they come back with good grades one them, lol).

My Quixote class is getting on my nerves a little bit. The book is getting somewhat repetitive and dull (plus I do not have too much time to really read and digest it). And every week, when I present my chapter, I always end up feeling stupid because the professor wants perfection (I think) and I always feel like I disappoint him. But really I am doing my best and am not an expert on Quixote by any means. Whatever, I only need to focus on the test and paper for that class anyways.

Aside from classwork, my family at home is doing well:-) My younger sister is doing well at her boarding school and seems to be enjoying life.

I have also been trying to make going to the gym a more regular habit. I walked a lot in Spain and over the summer, but being at school really puts a crimp in my time. But I have been getting up a little earlier before class and spending a half hour on the treadmill. It's not much but it's better than nothing and I've been twice this week. Hopefully I will be able to keep this up even as the semester gears up and I become permanently attached to my computer.

I am looking forward to this weekend too. I do not have any fun plans, but Halloween is coming up and that always turns out to be fun. We have been decorating (our RAs put on a contest) but I think we have been outdone by some of our neighbors. Oh well, I really don't have the time or money to devote to decorating.

I think that is everything for now. It's finally about bedtime and I simply cannot wait to crawl under those covers! Happy Halloween!!! Hasta luego!!!


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