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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, September 30, 2005

Terrifically Long Thursday


Yesterday, as with all Thursdays this semester, was my longest day of the week. I had three classes plus a GRE Prep. Course until 9:30pm.

My first class was religion. We had our second in class essay which went okay (but last time I thought I did badly, I got a A so I'm no longer all that worried because it's clear that he just wants to know that we did the reading). Then we talked about the reading in great detail which really helped my comprehension of the material.

My second class was Chaucer. We went over the Reeve's Tale and the Cook's Tale. The Reeve tells his story in retailation for the story told by the Miller so we compared the two stories which was very interesting. The Cook's Tale is unfinished because we do not have all of Chaucer's manuscript. This is both frustrating because we have no way of knowing what happened and a relief to busy college students with too much homework.

My last class was my Quixote class. We are reading the book in Spanish which is a lot of work. Although, I have found a decent online translation that I use to help myself along (otherwise reading it would take hours that I unfortunately do not have). Our professor was is Costa Rica, however, so we simply watched part of the movie and left earlier than our usual 2 1/2 hour time period generally allows.

After class, my roommate and I got some dinner at the dining hall. It was really weird to eat dinner there again but it was the easiest thing to do after a long day that was not even over yet.

Our GRE Prep Course started at 7 and went until 9:30pm. We got the results of our diagnostic tests back. My verbal score was actually pretty good and my math was, as always, pathetic. But overall, when you consider that I have not taken a standardized test since I took the SATs in high school nor have I had a real math class since high school, I really didn't do all that badly. We spent most of the class going over strategies for approaching the various problems on the Qunatitative Section. I really think the class is going to help because even after last night, I already feel better equipped to tackle those math problems.

We came back to the room and essentially crashed. I did some reading but I was too tired to really focus. But seeing as I only have one class on Fridays, I didn't have much to do anyway.

Well, I need to get going, but Happy Friday! Hasta luego!


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