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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Week Grinds Along...


Fortunately for me, Tuesday was not quite as busy and hectic as Monday. Unfortunatelty for me, it was only Tuesday and days like Thursday still lurk in the future. Not to mention the whole of next week which is booked solid and will, therefore, be crazy.

My day was comprised of two classes, a couple errands, and a meeting. The first class was religion where we are studying medevial theology. We has a guest lecturer who spoke to us about some of Bernard of Clairvoux's works. It was fairly interesting, believe it or not, since it makes me think about the intricacies of my faith.

My second class was Chaucer where we are reading the Cnaterbury Tales. We went over the Miller's Tale which is, well, crude (much like the character of the miller himself, actually).

After class, I made my way up to the English department to get some poems for my senior seminar. I had a lovely discussion with a friend on the way up and a nice chat with the department secretary (She is so sweet and you can learn a lot from talking to a secretary. For intstance, which faculty member is in China and who knows a famous Irish poet personally).

I finally got to settle down in my room and start working on some homework for awhile around 3pm. I completed my religion reading for our next class and continued with my reading for American history (I'm almost done with the book! I have less than 30 pages to go! Bring on the paper!).

For dinner, I made tacos which are incredibly easy. All you have to do is cook the meat, warm up the tortillas, lump all the toppings together, and start eating.

Afterwards, my roommate and I had to go to a meeting for students who had recently returned from studying abroad. It was completely and utterly useless because we have already re-adjusted to life at home again. Oh well, at least it was short and to the point.

I hate to cut this short (although truthfully, that is pretty much my whole day), but I need to get going because I have class in a little while. Hasta manana!


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