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Location: Connecticut, United States

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Unreliable Internet:-P


I know it has been a long time since my last post (5 days, to be exact) but the internet here in my trailer has not been working. In fact, it is not truly working now. I just happen to be lucky enough to be picking up a wireless signal (but who knows how long that will last). Hopefully the school tech support will have this sorted out today, but then they were supposed to be here yesterday so I'm not exactly holding my breath.

Anyway, I have been very busy lately. Mostly, I have been doing homework. But I did manage to see some friends over the weekend and we had some fun. We went to Cosi for dinner and then to the movies on Saturday night.

Yesterday, it was back to the old grind of juggling classes and homework. I had American history in the morning. We talked about Thomas Paine's famous pamphlet Common Sense and how it influenced the Declaration of Independence. It was very interesting to see how one document could change so much about the attitudes of the colonists. Of course, it wasn't the only thing that drove them to seek independence, but it was a large factor in garnering support for this radical change in the status quo.

Afterwards, I had DC Reads tutoring. One of my students is an adorable little first grade girl who does not speak any English. Teaching her the basics of reading in English is going to be a major challenge, but I can tell she is smart and knows some of the basics of reading in Spanish so hopefully she will catch on. Plus, she is still very young and learning languages at that age is relatively simple. My other student is a fourth grade boy who seems to know his alphabet and simple words really, really well.

I came back and immediately settled down to do homework. I finished preping for my presention on Wednesday and got some reading for my Chaucer class done.

We made soup and grilled cheese for dinner. The only trouble was, I used the wrong pan so the grilled cheese stuck to it but oh well.

I spent the rest of the evening writing my history paper. I now have 2 1/2 pages which is awesome. Hopefully I can finish that today so I am free to study for my religion midterm on Thursday (not to mention my Chaucer quiz that same day!).

Well, I think that basically catches me up and makes up for those lost days. Hasta luego!


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