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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Another Week Has Gone By...


I know I have not posted anything since Monday and really there is no good excuse or reason except that somehow the week got away from me completely. So here goes nothing as I try to play catch-up.

I had smooth transition back to classes and life here at school. Well, except for that Administrative Monday (this meant that Monday classes met on Tuesday) that the university decided would be a good idea. The good thing about this though was that I only had one class and I used the rest of the afternoon to get a few errands done. My one class was Amercian history where we talked about violence in the revolutionary war. We like to think of it as a civilized and justified war but there were definitely acts of violence that happened during that period, just like with any other war.

On Wednesday my week started to pick up a little. I had American history (again) in the morning and we talked about the role of France in the revolution and some of the reactions to the treaty. I had to stop by my professor's office hours to talk about Friday's discussion because I was assigned to lead it that day. So I just double checked my approach to the topic (why people chose to fight or not to fight) with him. Later, I had my senior seminar. Two other students did their presentation on another one of Heaney's collections (North). For dinner, my roommate and I ordered pizza and then settled down to do work.

Thursday was busy, as always. I had religion in the morning. We talked about Peter Lombard and touched upon his writings. We also got our midterms back...drumroll please...I got a 93! So I am quite pleased about that. In the afternoon, I had Chaucer. We discussed the Friar's Tale. It's a pretty good tale with a lot going on that the reader may or may not pick up on. But I can't say it's one of my favorites. My next class was Quixote. I did my chapter and the professor kept interrupting so it took half an hour to get through...ugh. We did get out on time though so I actually had time for dinner and got to my GRE Prep Class on time. We went over more math in class. Not my favorite thing, but definitely an area I need to work on. And really it is going okay.

Friday, glorious Friday, finally arrived after what had been a long four-day week. I had American history in the morning. The discussion went fairly well although no one really seems to like to talk in that class (and so I find myself participating a lot because I feel bad when the professor asks a question and no one says anything). We got our papers back...another drumroll please...I got an A-. I was sort of hoping for an A, but I'm certainly not complaining. I spent the afternoon doing laundry. Later on, my friend and I went to CVS. When my roommate got back from her awesome new internship, we all went out to dinner and did some shopping at Pentagon City. Afterwards, we ended up going out to Kelly's Irish Times because other friends of ours were there (even though we weren't dressed for going out). We hung out for awhile and saw half of our school there (I guess it's alumni weekend and also homecoming).

This morning we slept until like 10am which felt marvalous, by the way. We hung out and did homework all day. At 5:30 we headed out to Chinatown and walked around before seeing a movie (Elizabethtown, in case you're wondering). And now we are seriously contemplating bed because we are exhuasted. So, good night! Hasta Luego!


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