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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, October 10, 2005

Home Sweet Home:-D

Buenas Noches!

I know it has been awhile since I've posted a new entry here. But this past week was definitely the week from hell. I had something due or a test/quiz in every class.

I wrote about Monday, so I'll start up again here with Tuesday. I had religion in the morning and Chaucer in the afternoon. In religion, we reviewed for the midterm (since when was the first week in October halfway through the semester?). In Chaucer we discussed the Wife of Bath's Prologue and did some group work. And because this was the week from hell, I had the honor of reading aloud a passage from the tale, in Middle English, to the class. It was hard, but I gave it my best shot and I think I did a fairly good job. After class, I came back to my room and started working on my paper with the goal of finishing it. Despite many interruptions, like having a friend over for dinner and having to make chicken parmesan, I managed to accomplish my goal and get the thing done by about 8pm. This was just in time to get ready and head over to the Howie Day concert being held on campus.

Wednesday was another full, crazy day. My first class was American history. We spent the hour discussing some of the reading and evaluating the British response to the colonial restistance. My next class was my senior seminar and it was my day to teach the class. I had a partner and we divided up a selection of poems from Seamus Heaney's Wintering Out. It was a stressful thing to prepare but since the teacher kept interrupting and whatnot, it went quickly and we did not get through everything we planned. I then spent the rest of the evening studying for my religion midterm.

Thursday was super-crazy (what else is new?). I had my religion midterm in the morning. It went pretty well considering the fact that I did not have too much time to study. My next class was Chaucer. We had a quick reading quiz and then continued talking about the Wife of Bath's Tale. In Spanish, we went over more chapters in Don Quixote. Then, after the fastest dinner ever, it was time for my GRE Prep Course. We spent the two and a half hours going over Kaplan's Strategies for the verbal section. They are helpful, but since the verbal section comes so naturally to me, it's not quite as necessary.

Friday morning came and suddenly everything was much better. All I had to do was hand in my history paper, sit through class, and catch my train home. The perfect ending to the week from hell; sleeping in my own bed and seeing my family:-D

Well, the weekend was a good one. The weather sucked but we did some shopping, I got to see my grandmother, we saw the new Wallace and Gromit movie, I saw the new church, and I got to spend some quality time at home. Now I'm back at school, a little more fortified for a new week. It's bedtime now, so buenas noches!


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