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Location: Connecticut, United States

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

An Entry for the First Time in a REALLY Long Time!


I know it has been absolutely forever since I've posted an entry, but I finally have some time on my hands so I thought I'd try to pick up with this again. A lot has happened since my last entry which I wrote almost two months ago ( time flies when you have a lot of papers!). I'll do my best to fill in the most important details, but I'm not making an promises about an awesome comeback entry here!

The last two months have mostly been spent sitting in front of my computer with a pile of books around me working on one research paper or another. Seriously, I had one end of the semester paper for every class! But, as of this evening, they are all done:-) I will hand in the last one tomorrow--thank goodness! I've never been so glad for finals week to arrive. I know that sounds lame but it will be good to only have to study and not have to deal with five papers, classes, and extra-curriculars.

There have been a lot of good, fun moments too though. We've been to a lot of movies, the most recent of which was RENT. I really liked it and now I've got all the songs stuck in my head. Of course, my roommate is a big fan of the show so she plays the soundtrack all the time so that is part of the reason why the music is playing in my head all the time lately. Also, Thanksgiving was very nice:-) I got to go home to CT and spent a few days with my family:-D It was really nice to be home even though I had quite a bit of work to do over the break.

As for my extra-curriculars, the little girl I'm tutoring in DC Reads is progressing. She is getting the alphabet down in English slowly but surely (she is primarily a Spanish speaker). She is also starting to recognize words as her teacher gives her spelling words and as I read to her. I am also tutoring a girl here on campus in philosophy. That is going well because no matter how dense philosophy can be, at least I get to explain it in English!

I also took the GRE at the end of November. It did not go as well as I'd hoped but at least it's over (and I have my Thursday evenings back!). Now I get to move onto the applications:-P Wish me luck! (And in case you're wondering, I'm hoping to get my Masters in Education next year so I can teach.)

Looking back, it has been a pretty good semester all in all. We've had a lot of fun in spite of all the work and stress.

Well, I think that's everything I wanted to say. I know I lead a dull life but such is the existence of a college student--studying and writing papers.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to All!! Hasta Luego!


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