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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, January 30, 2006

Back to the Old Grind:-P


Not too much has happened since yesterday (but aren't you proud of me for writing two days in a row?) but I have some time so I figured I'd post something.

I went to the gym this morning in a futile attempt to be healthly and tone-up a little before Spring Break. I spent half an hour on the treadmill which is good but I'm not sure it does much. Although it is certainly better than nothing. Hopefully my motivation (i.e. possibly having to put on a bathing suit in early March...eeeek!) will stay strong and I will workout a few times a week from now on.

I had my American Women Novelists class this morning too. We are reading In the Time of the Butterflies which is a contemporary novel about four sisters who opposed the Truijillo regime in the Dominican Republic during the 1950s-1960s. It's a very well-written book although, naturally, it is also sad. Vivan las Mariposas!

After a quick lunch, I had my Spanish literature class. That was okay. It was little boring today because no one wanted to talk and the story we read for today wasn't all that captivating. Hopefully we will all be more alive on Wednesday.

When class was over, I came back and did some much needed laundry. I also started doing some of my reading for tomorrow. We had dinner around 5:30pm (I made baked potatoes which we put some toppings on and also little side salads to get those vegetables in). Right now, I'm taking a little break from my reading to write and talk to a friend on instant messanger. Later on though, we are going to watch The Bachelor. That's all for now. Buenas Noches y Hasta Luego!


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