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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, April 28, 2006

Almost Done...


I know it has been AGES since I've written anything and for that I apologize. The reason, per usual, is that the last few weeks have been a whirlwind of writing papers, classes, extra-curriculars, Easter, preparing for the future, and trying to enjoy my last days here at school.

To begin, Easter Break was great:-) It was WONDERFUL to be home again and to spend time with my family. We had a bunch of relatives over for Easter dinner so we were really busy but it was good to see them and everything went smoothly.

Dealing with schoolwork and papers, on the other hand, was much less enjoyable. I had four papers due this week. And three of them were due on the same day! So, needless to say, over the last couple of weeks my computer and I have been inseparable. Now that they are done, it is easy to breathe a sigh of relief but writing one 12 page research paper, one 15 page research paper, one 10 page Spanish paper (si, en espanol!), and one 5 page paper was not exactly fun (That's a total of 42 pages, in case you're wondering). Oh, and by the way, this kind of paper writing occurs at the end of every semester. And after the papers are done, then we get to deal with finals. Oh college is so much fun!;-)

Okay, enough about the depressing end of the semester workload. The good news is that I got into both Uconn and BC:-D So I will definitely be earning my M.Ed. next year:-) (Oh, and when I'm a teacher, I'll try to spread the work out so my students can avoid the end of the term crunch.) So now all I have to do is decide where I want to go...eeek! I won't get into the pros and cons of each school because that's long and boring. So suffice it to say that I will try to update this blog when I do decide (which has to be by May 5th, aka next Friday..eeek!).

Okay, I think that is everything of interest (unless if you want to hear about how today was my last day of classes as an undergraduate or that graduation is in 15 days). So, buenas noches y hasta luego!


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