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Location: Connecticut, United States

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Playing the Waiting Game


I just thought I'd post another entry while I have a few minutes. So here's what's been going on over the last few days.

My mother's surgery went well:-) She has spent the last few days recuperating in the hospital but she should be coming home tonight. She will still need to be home for awhile to rest and fully recuperate but she is doing well.

Things have been okay here at school. It's been a fairly quiet week but I feel like I'm holding my breath until all my papers are due (the last week of the semester, yes I have no less than four papers due at the time:-P) and until graduation (50 more days). Oh well, I will get through the papers and graduate and enjoy my summer and then go back to the old grind for my Master's. After that, the real world beckons...eeeek!!!

I think that's pretty much everything for now. Hasta Luego!

P.S. I'll hear from BC next week...and so the waiting game continues...


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