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Location: Connecticut, United States

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, August 04, 2006

Still More Ups And Downs...


So here's the latest in the continuing saga that is my life.

Remember that application I mentioned in my last post? Well, I called upon a family friend to whip me up a letter and she graciously did (Thank you so much!!). I drove the application down to the school district's central office one morning before I started my babysitting gig. A couple days later, I got a call to come interview so, naturally, I said yes. The interview went fairly well, if I do say so myself. I'm sure there are things I still need to work on when interviewing, but that will hopefully come with practice over the years. Unfortunately, it came to nothing:-( I didn't get the instructional aide position. I guess they gave it to someone who had eight years experience in the classroom. And I can't really compete with that. Oh well, better luck next time I suppose...

The problem is I don't really have a plan B at the moment. I mean, the obvious thing to do is to look for other positions in other schools. But I haven't come across any yet. I just hope that I don't end up putting my name on the subsitute list. I know it would give me some classroom experience, but subsituting seems like one of the most difficult jobs out there. I mean you have no real authority but all the responsibility. Not to mention the fact that it isn't exactly steady work and the pay is rather pathetic. Although, if it's that or unemployment, I guess I would much rather be a sub.

So that's where I am right now. Hopefully something will work out. I think I just hate not having a definite plan, you know? I like to have an idea of what I'm doing so I can get organized and know what to expect. But, as I'm learning, that life doesn't work that way all the time.

I think that's all for now since I really haven't been doing anything else besides babysitting lately. Adios y Hasta Luego!


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