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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Friday, October 27, 2006



I'm sorry but I need to vent a little bit right now, so please bear with me. I did something rather dumb today although it's not entirely my fault. I'm upset at myself and frustrated eith my bosses. But you need to know what happened first before that makes sense, so here's what happened. I've been tutoring one of the students in our resource room because he missed a lot of school (approx. two weeks) and he needs to be caught up. It's nice because he gets the help he needs, I get some more teaching experience, and I get paid at a tutoring rate which is almost three times as much money as I usually make per hour (or should I say will get paid as soon as I hand it my time sheet, but that's a mere technicallity). So today a few things happened with that that got me upset. The student had an English test today which he did not finish because the classes were shortened for the pep rally (oh yeah, it was spirit week...). So I sat with him in the library while he finished it during his study hall during their last class of the day. The problem starts with the pep rally which the student did not want to attend (and who can blame him?). So the head teacher in our resource room and our supervisor thought it would be good for him to be productive during the pep rally if he wasn't going to attend. So they asked me to tutor him during that time and I said yes. I figured it would be a good opportunity for him to get some work done, I wouldn't have to endure the pep rally, and neither one of us would have to stay late on a Friday. For me, that last bit translates to a more relaxed night at home and it also means that my sister, whom I pick up from school everyday, wouldn't have to do homework at the library until about 4pm. So it's a win-win situation, right? WRONG! As it turns out, I forgot something very important when I said yes to this plan; money! One of the other aides asked me before we left for the day if I was going to get paid at the tutoring rate for working with the student. I said I didn't know so I asked my supervisor. She, naturally, said that would be double dipping because it was still during the school day (apparently if we took an hour off my regular time sheet and put in the tutoring that would be okay, but it would still cost me some money--not as much but still something). And so, that is how one little "yes" lost me about $30. Do you know what the kicker of it is? My horoscope, as published in our local paper, said (and I'm quoting directly) " Someone might try to talk you out of money you can't afford to loose." Grrrr.....

Okay, so I learned something. Next time the answer is a resounding NO! But it was still a sucky way to end the week, you know?

Other than that, life is good. And for that I am truly thankful. Hasta luego!


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