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"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

All of a Sudden it's 2009!!

I feel like I blinked from the last time I posted to now. Suddenly, almost two years passed! So many things have changed since then that I cannot even begin to document them or catch you up. Not that anyone I know reads this or even knows it's here.

Nevertheless, here's a snapshot of the things that have happened over the last year and half or so.
  • I finished graduate school!! I completed my M.A.T. at Sacred Heart University! I'm just waiting for the paperwork to come through from the state and I'll have my teaching certificate! This of course means that I'm now looking for a job in a very bleak economy...oh well!
  • My sister is now applying to colleges. She applied to Ithaca, Easman School of Music (Rochester), UCONN, NEC, and Yale. Wish her luck!
  • Speaking of my sister...She has had much musical and academic success lately. She has gone to Eastern Region, All-State, is in her school chorus (and had a mighty fine solo too!), she has been in a bunch of plays (my personal favorite? Pride and Prejudice....Mrs. Bennet), and she'll be going to the New England Music Festival in March. She also got some AWESOME SAT and SAT II scores! 780 crticial reading, 700 writing, 580 math, 680 U.S. History, and 800 Literature!
  • We are on service dog number four! Captain graduates and was placed. We had Mernie (Golden retriever, labrador mix...WONDERFUL dog! Seriously, the best EVER!) for a few months and she is now paired with a woman in Mass. Packer, a black lab, is our current dog.
  • I went to my first wedding of friends from college. It was beautiful and I wish them all the best. Of course, this is probably a sign that we are all growing up! Now, if I could just find someone for me so mom gets off my case...
  • I cut my hair! It has always been long and curly but, over the summer, I got it cut so it's just about shoulder length. I really like it this length. Plus, I think the curls are even better:-)

Okay, I think that's more or less everything of interest.

Now, it's a brand new year so it's time to come up with a few resolutions.
1) To write more frequently in my journal and on my blog. I'm not going to say everyday because I'll never do that. But I'm thinking once a month for the journal instead of three or four times a year. As for this blog, I'll try at least once every two or three months. Hopefully, I'll make it part of my routine and I can make it more frequent as the year goes on.

2) To be healthier. I am, compared to some, a pretty healthy person but I think I do have some work to do. This means, typically, excercising more and eating less. Excercise 2-3 times per week (and not just in the summer when it's nice!). Maybe start taking the Monday night class with mom again. Onto food and eating! Consistently try to make good choices. Examples: no second helpings at dinner,no soda, no chips, no butter on bread/muffins, etc., no dessert or sweets after lunch, and trying to be better at gatherings where there are appetizers (if I must have some, put a few on a napkin/plate and eat only the ones on there). Now some of these, I am pretty good about (i.e. no soda and no chips) but others (appetizers...they always do me in!) I really need to work on.

3) To make good career choices. I know I'll be job searching this year (actually, I already am) so I'll need to make good choices. I'll need to prepare properly and thoroughly for interviews (learn about districts, prepare my portfolio, etc.). Paitence, flexibility, and perserverance will also be key in the process. I will also need to pick a position that I think will be a good fit and commit to it totally.

I think those are more or less reasonable resoultions. Hopefully, I'll be able to keep them or at least work on them and improve my situation.

I think that's everything! Hasta luego!

P.S. This time next week, our new president will be sworn in! Buena Suerte Presidente Obama!


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