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Location: Connecticut, United States

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Monday, November 08, 2010

Rediscovering the Blog

Well, it certainly has been FOREVER since I've added to this! Once again, you can thank my lovely sister for dragging me into the blogging world. She just started a new blog called Eli Shops ( It has wonderful tips about getting your Christmas shopping done easily, early, and with minimal stress.

Let's see, some life updates:
  • I had a job teaching Spanish but lost it with budget cuts so I am back to substitute teaching. Hopefully something more permanent will come up but at least my mother will never kick me out:-)
  • My sister is a sophomore at UCONN. She is in the honors program and is loving life up there in Storrs (when she isn't home...).
  • One of my best friends is getting married in June so I will have another wedding to attend this summer.
  • If anyone still reads this (doubtful but whatever), please pray for my sister's boyfriend. He is currently in the middle of Marine boot camp. He will come home December 17th.
  • My grandmother turned 90 this year! She is doing really well:-) She did break her femur last Christmas but is now getting around her house with a walker and goes in the wheelchair when we go out. Pretty good for 90, right?! Pray for her too, please:-)

Sadly, after a year and a half, most of my news consists of a few mere bullet points. Whatever.

Okay, I am signing off now. Have a lovely day! Hasta luego!


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