A Curly Chica's Contemplations

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Location: Connecticut, United States

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Well, I've certainly been seeing green today! Everyone seemed to be decked out today, including me:-) I wore my sparkly shamrock earrings today simply because it's the only day of the year that they're appropriate. Not to mention my green top, pants with a green pinstripe, bracelet with a green stone from Ireland, and my celtic knot necklace (also from Ireland although I've never been; it was a gift). Well, I hope the luck of the Irish was with you today!

Things have been going pretty well lately. I've been working a lot! Seriously, almost every day. It's good experience and it's nice to be busy and feel like I have a normal job. I've put in a few applications for jobs but I haven't heard anything. Hopefully more positions will open up in the coming months.

Lizzy heard from UCONN's BFA program and it wasn't good:-( Apparently they only accept about 50 new students from all musical disciplines. This means that she was competing against instrumentalists and vocalists for these spots. She did write to the admissions office so she can be considered for regular, non-musical admission. We're pretty confident that she'll get accepted this way (she has a 4.0 and amazing test scores after all!). As for the rest of the schools, we are just waiting and hoping. Keep my little sister in your prayers please!

Interestingly, Lizzy is going to the New England Music Festival this weekend. She is one of only six students from her school. The concert is Saturday so we're looking forward to that:-)

That's really almost everything, I think. Buenas Noches y Hasta Luego! Happy St. Patrick's Day!

P.S. The Lenten Resoultions are still going on. It's hard giving up dessert! But we've been really good. We do cheat a little on Sundays after dinner because Sundays aren't counted in the forty days. But other than that, we're sticking to it! I'm not sure if we're loosing any weight though. I certainly don't think I have. But I'm not gaining any either. Plus, now that it's warmer (a little) and lighter later, I've been walking a bit more (including today). Wish us luck as we tackle a new week and the rest of Lent! I think we're about half-way through!

P.P.S. I think the people at Google/Blogger are going to think I'm nuts. I keep forgetting my passwords and having to reset them. I finally wrote it down! I guess I don't use it enough for it to stick. But tonight was the last time, promise!