A Curly Chica's Contemplations

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Location: Connecticut, United States

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Lenten Resolutions

So the New Year's Resolutions haven't been going that well but with Lent upon us we've decided, as a family, to make some changes. My mother wants to loose ten pounds and she's drawing the rest of us into her plan. We are giving up dessert. Except when it's that time of the month, then we can have chocolate. I don't want to loose ten pounds myself but between five and eight would be nice. So I'm going along with the dessert thing and, hopefully, I'll also get out my new sneakers and start walking more.

As for my other resoultions, it seems that they are going okay. I am definitely writing in this blog more frequently. I need to step it up a little in my regular journal (last entry Feb. 1st) but that's going pretty well too. The work/job stuff is fairly stagnant since there really aren't any jobs out there right now in education. But I have been substituting a lot so that's at least keeping me busy, paid, and in practice. I need to get my teaching portfolio together and order some of my graduate transcripts (although at $8 per it hurts a little to think about it. At least my undergraduate ones are free).

In other news, Packer is officially out of the program! He has hip problems, which are fairly common in labs, and he is really too much of a wimp to be a good service dog. But he will be put up for adoption (as long as someone is willing to pay for the hip surgery) and he will be a fanatastic pet. I'll keep you posted on him.

Lizzy had her UCONN audition this past weekend. She seemed pleased with it. She's going up to Ithaca this weekend for an audition. Keep her in your thoughts! Both that she does well and that she doesn't freeze! Also, her musical was a couple weeks ago. She did a great job, as usual:-)

I think that's just about everything. Hasta Luego!