A Curly Chica's Contemplations

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Location: Connecticut, United States

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."--Eleanor Roosevelt

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Almost a Year!!...Oops!!

Buenos Tardes!

It has been almost a year since my last post (ten months and two days if you're being persnickety) and, for that, I implore you to accept my apologies. Although, at this point, I doubt that anyone reads this. Especially since none of my friends know this exists and since my family probably assumes I gave it up a long time ago.

Reading my last post is like reading something from a lifetime ago. I'm going to give a summary (hopefully as brief as possible....be forewarned though, I'm a verbose English major!) of what I've been up to since last fall and how things have changed since then.

The year at the nearby high school went pretty well overall. We had a rocky start because there were so many staff changes in our room but they eventually got ironed out. There were definite ups and downs but, for the most part, the year was a good one.

At the end of the year, I made the decision to leave in order to pursue my Master's and teaching certificate. I'm officially enrolled in (and starting) my M.A.T. at Sacred Heart University! As a means of gaining further experience and a break on the tuition, I'm interning at a high school during the day. The good thing is that SHU has a campus at the school where my internship is so logisitically things will work out very, very nicely. Tomorrow is the first day of school at the high school (I went in today and yesterday to get aquainted with the school and my colleagues) and my graduate classes start September 10th. Wish me luck!

In other news, Henry graduated in March and was placed with a young boy who lives in Minnesota. Evidently they love him and we're very happy knowing that he's helping someone. In November we got a second dog who is still with us now. His name is Captain and he's another yellow lab. He is much more mellow than Henry and, generally, a little easier to manage. We'll have him for a few more months until he too goes to "boot camp" and graduates. He has been an absolute joy and it will be much harder to see him go because we've had him for so long already.

I think that's just about everything. I'm going to be very busy with the internship and classes this year so you may not hear from me for awhile. I'll try but I can't make any promises until I know what the work load is going to be like. Well, hasta luego!